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Uk Tier 4 Student Visa Basic Information

ADULT STUDENTS - TIER 4 (GENERAL) The basic Criteria to calculate student visa tier 4 point system below is the basic points that UK home office calculate for student visa point based There are total 40 points to be secure in order to get student visa for UK 30 points can be get by having a acceptance letter from recognized UK college or university for higher education and my advice all those coming to UK for Education Please enrolled your self in government run Universities and Colleges for example east ham college, Waltham forest college,
points for a acceptance letter from college. 10 points if you can ensure enough money in your bank or sponsor bank to cover fees and living cost for at least one year so for example if your tuition fee is £3500 per year and living cost is £2500.00 so you have to show at least £6,000 equivalent amount in your own currency This section explains how you can apply to come to or remain in the UK as an adult student under Tier 4 (General) of the points-based system. In this section i will try to highlight some of changes in the student visa process as adult students tier 4 general UK home office that has announced rules changed for student visa or United Kingdom,from 6 April 2013 these rules are affected this mean that if you are student enrolled in PHD you can apply to extend your Student visa for 12 month beyond the end of your course to get some work experience or paid employment in UK . The UK home office also changed the rules for students from 6 April We are also amending the Rules for students studying in the UK under Tier 4 of the points-based system. From 6 April and holding a UK student visa your condition of acceptance CAS would be change and students are not eligible to study at lower level which mean if you already accepted in BSC you then you won't be allowed to downgrade and enrolled into A Level (as example)

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