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U.K Student Visa

How to apply U.K student visa

Visa applications have to be made on visa application forms, which are available at the British Embassies or FedEx office in Pakistan if you are applying from India or other country so please ask FedEx if they have application form, this form has to be filled up by the student and submitted to the embassy, you have to pay visa application fee
Visa Fee which is none refundable you can chose different type of payment methods such as Demand Draft, Cheques etc please read the instruction on the form and do not fill out form by pen better use a pencil in case of mistake you can re write the from or get two copies of visa application form.
Hint when you go to interview please make sure you do not answer totally different then you answered in application form this causes conflict in your answers and may leads you in problem so memorised your answers from the application form.

Documents you required for your visa application are:
A letter of acceptance on the course.
This will be a letter from your institution confirming that a place has been offered to you and that the course is full-time as defined by the immigration law. The letter should state how long the course will last. Where your course is more advanced and specialized, the letter should also state what level of English is needed for the course (giving minimum test marks, if appropriate) if you get I.E.L.T.S English exam and get good score so you will be very confident in the interview but its not necessary to have this qualification as you could use a letter from your previous University or college that you have learnt your previous qualification in English medium so you do not need to have any special English language certification any way i think its a plus point if you speak fair level of English and can understand too.

Evidence that you can pay the course fees and support yourself and your family, if applicable

this could include evidence of government sponsorship, a letter from a sponsor in UK confirming they can support you, together with evidence that they can do this, and/or your own bank statements. You should also provide a letter from your place of study stating the full cost of the course, what arrangements are acceptable for payment and whether you have already paid fees or a deposit.
Note: if you paid half or full tuition fee before you attend an interview it makes excellent chance to get visa

The Big day (Interview Day) In one of the U.K Embassy in Pakistan

You can chose which place of interview you like to go to, such as Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore it depends where you live and which Embassy is nearest to you some time you have to go to Islamabad in this case booked a seat on any domestic Airline or Train in advanced and a hotel room and you should reached Islamabad one day earlier than your interview date.

The Interview

Interview is a part of your visa application process.

The interview is to give you the opportunity to clarify for the ECO certain parts of your application. The ECO will be aiming to satisfy him or herself that your study plans are genuine and workable.

The interview is a normal part of the process, but you may feel quite nervous before it and find it an uncomfortable experience. ECO’s are trained professionals who will try to make the process as painless as possible, but the questions are necessarily very direct and personal.

You should prepare for such an interview carefully. In particular:

Be familiar with all your study plans; why you chose the particular institution and course; how the course will help your future career;

Be clear about the cost of living and the course and your finances: do you have enough money to complete the course? Can you prove it?

Be as clear as you can about your likely future career in your country: what are you going to do on your return.
visit the website for download application form for international student visa or contact to me via i will try to help you as much as i can and i am sure if you are really willing you will get it with out any big problem.

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